Local Decision Making
Local Decision Making is a 10 year commitment to transfer, where possible, government service delivery to Aboriginal people and organisations based on their community aspirations. It is about government, Aboriginal representative organisations and Aboriginal people working together on: Housing, Local Government, Education and Training, Health, Looking after children, Law and Justice.
Some communities may want to focus on other services or programs such as: Sport and Recreation, Youth, Women and Men’s programs, Land and Sea Management and Business.
Government recognises that building, supporting and investing in, strong Aboriginal governance is necessary to ensure local people drive local solutions and that Aboriginal organisations are supported in the management of Local Decision Making.
There are a number of agreements between government and communities across the Territory. Some are signed Statement of Commitments, which are commitments by Government and community to explore LDM opportunities. Whilst other agreements are at various stages of implementation. To view the latest information on LDM go to www.ldm.nt.gov.au.
Further to the above is the Barkly Regional Deal, a commitment by the three tiers of Government for the Barkly region, which is underpinned by LDM.
LDM Framework PDF PDF (6.5 MB)
Ground Up Monitoring and Evaluation
In 2021, the Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet (DCMC), Northern Territory Government, engaged the Ground Up team at the Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University to initiate Monitoring and Evaluation research in sites with active Local Decision Making agreements – Ngukurr, Alice Springs Town Camps, Jawoyn Region, the Groote Archipelago and Kalkaringi.
The Final Report PDF (3.4 MB) is a valuable tool for the NT Government to understand community perceptions of Local Decision Making agreements and how government can continue to work with, and learn from, communities on their LDM journeys.
Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet's regional offices:
Barkly – 8962 4688
Big Rivers – 8973 8533
Central Australia – 8951 5511
East Arnhem – 8987 0554
Jabiru – 8999 5430
Top End – 8999 5430
Wadeye - 8999 5430